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“The United States now considers its security to be gravely endangered by the actions and attacks of terrorists and because of various threats from countries governed by dictators and tyrants. It believes that support from this small country makes a difference... The declaration issued by the Icelandic Government on the Iraq dispute says that we intend to maintain the close cooperation we have had with our powerful ally in the West.

First of all, this involves flyover authorization for the Icelandic air control area. Secondly, the use of Keflavik Airport, if necessary. In third place, we will take part in the reconstruction of Iraq after the war ends. Fourthly, we expressed political support for Resolution 1441 being enforced after four months of delays."
-- Prime Minister Oddsson, March 18, 2003

Tekið af vef Hvíta hússins, http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/iraq/news/20030326-7.html.

Þetta er meira en bara fréttatilkynning!

Það er með hreinum ólíkindum hvernig menn geta þrætt fyrir það að Ísland hafi ekki stutt við bakið á ólöglegri innrás Bush og félaga inn í Írak með öllum þeim ráðum sem hugsanleg voru af Íslands hálfu.

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